
I teach courses at Objective Standard Institute (OSI), where we explore and apply philosophy for freedom and flourishing.

I invite you to check out OSI’s offerings and join our life-changing conversations. Full scholarships are available to students and young adults. And OSI has a 100% money-back guarantee. Either you love the course or we refund your money in full.

Introduction to Objectivist Epistemology Reading Group​

Expand and deepen your understanding of Ayn Rand’s theory of concepts, with a focus on the objectivity and use-value of the ideas.

Teaching Objectivism with the Principle of Purpose​

Learn to teach Ayn Rand’s philosophy by reference to the life-serving purpose of its various elements—or, in Francisco d’Anconia’s words, the “What for?”

Introduction to Ayn Rand’s Philosophy for Loving Life​

Learn the principles of Objectivism and how they can help you think more clearly, excel in life, and maximize your happiness.

The Elements of Thinking in Principles​

Learn a systematic method for keeping your ideas and value judgments connected to reality so they can serve your life, liberty, and happiness in reality.

Your Supersystem for Flourishing​

Integrate principles of Objectivism with those of powerful self-development systems, and create your own personalized supersystem for success and happiness.

Advanced Writing Workshop: Lead People to Liberty

In this workshop, you will conceive, develop, and complete an article advocating or defending freedom and submit it to a publication of your choosing.

How to Write Powerfully in Defense of Liberty

Learn a step-by-step method for writing clear, compelling articles in defense of freedom (and for getting published in outlets such as The Objective Standard).

Thinking for Thriving​

Learn a thinking method that helps you understand the world and your needs more clearly, communicate more effectively, and pursue your goals more successfully.

Rational Egoism: The Morality for Loving Life​

Learn the principles of a moral code that helps you think clearly, excel in life, cultivate win-win relationships, and defend freedom on solid ground.